Jana’s Yoga Mandira, school of authentic yoga

Welcome to Jana’s Yoga Mandira

Jana's Yoga Mandira, school of authentic yoga

Welcome to Jana’s Yoga Mandira

Why choose Jana’s Yoga Mandira?

To live a yogic life means to be permeated with vitality and health. A hectic way of life, characterized by being addicted to the Internet, being permanently exposed to negative news, sitting, mobile phones, a hyper-consumerist society, personal and professional challenges and much more, invites us more than ever to direct our attention inward – towards yoga and the principles of a yogic life which affects different aspects of a person: physical, psychological, spiritual, vital, mental, emotional …
By looking inward, we can ignore or disregard all the distractions around us. Introspection sounds challenging, but think about how much control we can find in the mind. Isn’t it pointless to search for an external culprit for failures and everything else that enervates us? Let’s try to find control within ourselves! In the 21st century, yoga is not only an individual need but a way to fight social anomalies.
Appropriate nutrition, deep breathing and basic asanas can alleviate chronic diseases and discomfort, ease conflicts in complicated relationships and reduce other lifestyle-related issues. Yoga can be simple, however you need to make the decision to follow the path of yoga. We invite you to enter Mandira, the temple and home of yoga.
In Hindi, Jana means “people”. Apart from that, it is easier for my beloved Indian friends to pronounce “Jana” than Tatjana which is my actual name. Mandira is a term for temple, home, in the broader sense mandira means divine city or home of God.
At the school of authentic yoga – Jana’s temple of yoga – we will help you obtain harmony by practising asanas, pranayamas, mudras, shatkarmas and meditation. All these techniques purify the body, mind and energy system which are fundamental for developing a spiritual practice. A yogic life can help us lead a healthy life without stress and false beliefs, the body gains vital energy and strength, while the mind is light, creative, joyful and balanced. Such way of life is an experience which cannot be grasped intellectually and will only become vital knowledge through practice and experience.
Our style is traditional, safe, caring and loving, with enthusiasm for top traditional teachings of yoga through ancient texts, while being open to change and innovation suggested by modern life. We offer participants specially tailored instructions, which enable them to fulfil their own wishes and to reach their personal goals. It is our mission to inspire and educate yoga students – for them to use their greatest potential together with us, to live a healthy, balanced and happy life and to find joy within themselves. Naše poslanstvo je navdahniti in vzgojiti jogije - da skupaj z nami izkoristijo svoj največji potencial, da zaživijo zdravo, uravnoteženo in srečno, da v sebi poiščejo radost.

About Jana

I am a certified international yoga instructor (RYT 500, Yoga Alliance USA).

I am a certified international yoga instructor (RYT 500, Yoga Alliance USA). I embarked on my yoga journey with Iyengar yoga, continued with traditional Hatha and Vinyasa yoga, as well as Prana Vashya, a new trend of practice. My first true yoga teacher was the renowned Yogacharya Vinay Kumar, M.P., extraordinary in his modesty, a demanding pedagogue and psychologist and a profound person, probably one of the greatest yogis in the world. He teaches yoga at the world-famous yoga centre of Mysore, a city in the Indian state of Karnataka.  The yoga grandmasters, brothers Ajay Verma and Praveen Kumar Verma, who currently teach in Hisar, a city in the Indian state of Haryana, situated in the northwest of India, introduced me to the path of teaching and have otherwise been teaching in Vietnam for many years.


My teaching methods, from beginner to advanced include:

  • Hatha yoga
  • Vinyasa yoga
  • Pranajama
  • Yoga with props
  • Yoga sun salutation
  • Yoga moon salutation
  • Sivananda yoga
  • Yoga for basic strength
  • Yoga backbends
  • Hip opening yoga
  • Yoga for a slim body
  • Yoga for weight loss
  • Yoga for stability and strength
  • Yoga for flexibility
  • Therapeutic yoga (to combat overweight, heart disease, back pain (lumbar spondylitis, herniated disc), depression, anxiety, chronic insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, arthritis, gynaecologic disorders)
  • Yoga with a ball
  • Stick yoga
  • Chair yoga
  • Yoga at the wall


With us you will:

  • Become more resilient
  • Strengthen your health
  • Gain peace of mind
  • Accomplish your life goals more easily
  • Look younger and more beautiful


Let’s experience the simplest way of life and, through learning in Jana’s temple of yoga, learn that a life within the realm of yoga is the most abundant life. Welcome.


Jana’s guidance principles in the learning process are:

  • Understanding yoga
  • Method for improving flexibility and strength
  • Proper alignment of the asanas
  • Individual approach towards every student