Yoga therapy


Pričetek tečaja: Subject to agreement

Trajanje tečaja: Subject to agreement

Lokacija tečaja: Višje Vibracije Centre, Ulica Andreja Bitenca 68, 1000 Ljubljana

Duration: Subject to agreement

Yoga therapy is not a usual therapy, but an intense awakening and balancing of life energy. It does not consist of healing by way of touching, stretching and pressure or straining the physical body.

60,00  z vključenim DDV

What is yoga therapy:

Yoga therapy is not a usual therapy, but an intense awakening and balancing of life energy. It does not consist of healing by way of touching, stretching and pressure or straining the physical body.

We can get rid of invisible issues, such as stress, tension, anxiety, fear, loneliness, depression, inner weakness, insomnia, pain and seizures, with different yoga techniques. These techniques are very intense and can eliminate invisible issues from our life. Yoga therapy does not use special diagnostic techniques, for this we can use modern medical techniques; such as, for example, blood tests, x-ray, MRI etc. With yoga, we establish where we have a challenge, where we are out of balance. Therefore, we suggest that you change your lifestyle, as well as confront the root cause of your problems.

The six points we focus on in yoga therapy:

  1. The right lifestyle – especially sleep
  2. Proper cleansing techniques (pranayama, jala neti, shatkarmas and positive thoughts)
  3. Proper execution of asanas (correct alignment)
  4. Proper breathing
  5. Balanced mind (thinking must be clear and positive)
  6. Appropriate rest (peacefulness, no stress)

These are important factors of yoga therapy.

Yoga therapy is applied to the following issues:

  • Excessive weight
  • Heart disease
  • Back pain, slipped disc, lumbar spondylitis
  • Depression, chronic insomnia, anxiety
  • Unbalanced thyroid
  • Arthritis
  • Women’s health issues


The practice includes:

  • Practice of selected asanas for above mentioned issues
  • Practice of selected pranayama techniques for the above mentioned issues
  • Selected cleansing techniques for the above mentioned issues
  • Combination of asanas, pranayamas, cleansing techniques so that each individual can integrate all into his/her lifestyle after a certain time

Schedule and location:

Subject to agreement. Call us at: +386 40 455 588

Location: Višje Vibracije Centre

Ulica Andreja Bitenca 68

1000 Ljubljana

In the case of absence, we do not reimburse payments. 

Registration and payment as above

Morda te zanima tudi:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

120,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:One-month beginner-intermediate (I.) (8 visits)


150,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:Duration: One month for intermediate (II.) – advanced (12 visits)


80,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:One-month practice of pranayamas and learning of body cleansing techniques (4 visits)

Subject to agreement

60,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:Subject to agreement