Intermediate (II.) – advanced

Pričetek tečaja: Thursday

Trajanje tečaja: Duration: One month for intermediate (II.) – advanced (12 visits)

Lokacija tečaja: Višja Vibracija Ulica Andreja Bitenca 68 1000 Ljubljana (končna postaja LPP 7 Pržan).

Duration: One month for intermediate (II.) – advanced (12 visits)

Short description: The course is suitable for anyone who has been practising yoga for some time and wishes to progress and learn advanced positions. The intensity of the practice increases gradually. The practice is focussed on working the entire body. We will accurately analyse how to achieve the challenging positions. This practice is not suitable for beginners. The number of participants is limited.

150,00  z vključenim DDV

Who is the course suitable for:

For anyone who wishes to increase endurance, strength, stability, flexibility and who appreciates a challenge while doing so.

What we will work on:

  • Greater emphasis on techniques and methods for mastering advanced backbend poses
  • Greater emphasis on techniques to achieve arm stability
  • More advanced asanas which require greater flexibility in the hips
  • More advanced asanas which require more strength and stability
  • More advanced twist asanas
  • Pranayama (all breathing techniques including those with bandhas), individual approach for each participant
  • Body cleansing techniques (Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Vaman Dhauti, Shankha Prakshalana, Kapalabhati, Trataka)
  • Slim and toned body


The practice includes:

  1. Learning the correct alignments of advanced yoga asanas, advanced breathing techniques, yoga anatomy (chakras)
  2. Yoga with props (wheel, balls, chairs, sticks)
  3. Yoga for greater hip flexibility
  4. Yoga for a toned stomach
  5. Yoga for strengthening the back muscles
  6. Yoga sun salutation (Asthanga A and B, Prana Vashya)
  7. Yoga Nidra
  8. Power yoga
  9. Twist yoga poses
  10. Ashtanga – standing and sitting poses


Schedule and location.

Thursday from 07:00 to 08:30

Location: Višja Vibracija Centre, Ulica Andreja Bitenca 68, 1000 Ljubljana (bus terminus of LPP 7 Pržan).

Parking: There is sufficient parking in the vicinity of the building (in the mornings: in front of the ramp and in the parking lot)

The yoga practice will take place in the large hall.

We reserve the right to adjust the schedule.

We do not reimburse payments in the case of absence. Absence may be substituted by attending one of the other courses during the current month. In the event that Covid-19 measures are implemented, prices will not be reduced or adjusted.

Morda te zanima tudi:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

120,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:One-month beginner-intermediate (I.) (8 visits)


150,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:Duration: One month for intermediate (II.) – advanced (12 visits)


80,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:One-month practice of pranayamas and learning of body cleansing techniques (4 visits)

Subject to agreement

60,00  z vključenim DDV

Trajanje:Subject to agreement